Letter to the Chat Everywhere community

Letter to the Chat Everywhere community




This is Jack Wu, CEO at Explorator Labs, and creator of Chat Everywhere.

We wanted to take a moment to reach out and express our appreciation for your signup. As a small team of developers based in Toronto, we're truly grateful for your support as we strive to build something useful for everyone.

Let me share a story about how Chat Everywhere came to be. It started as a weekend project seven months ago, intended to provide unrestricted access for my parents in Macao, considering that OpenAI's API access is quite affordable on a small scale.

Its popularity surged when I began sharing it on Facebook. Soon, others began spreading the word and even creating content about it. User numbers soared from an initial 100 a day to a peak of 6,000 daily users. To say the least, the journey has been incredible!

We were very excited and grateful at Explorator Labs to see all these developments firsthand. Because when Explorator first started, I set out with the sole purpose of advancing society through technological innovation, while building a company and environment that would last for generations.

Chat Everywhere brings us one step closer to our vision by giving everyone easy access to AI. And when we see that most of our users are students and teachers, we know that we are on the right path.

What we would like to do is make Chat Everywhere financially sustainable, so that we can continue supporting free access for most and build great features that are meaningful to you.

But we need your support to get there. If you enjoy using Chat Everywhere, please consider upgrading to our pro plan. Not only will you have access to premium features, but you'll also be directly supporting us to continue developing!

Thank you once again for being a part of the Chat Everywhere community. We're genuinely excited to have you on this journey with us. If there's anything we can do to assist you, or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reply to this email directly. We're here to help.

If you would like to know more about us, feel free to check out the following blog posts and my social media.

- Chat Everywhere Facebook group

- Personal blogs on purpose and business development

Warm regards,

Jack - CEO @ Explorator Labs



希望您收到這封信的時候一切都好。我們想要藉此機會,對您在 Chat Everywhere 的註冊表示我們由衷的感謝。作為位於加拿大的小型客制化軟件團隊,我們非常感謝您的支持,因為這是對我們一直以來努力打造好軟件的證明。

請讓我簡單的分享一下 Chat Everywhere 的由來。這是我七個月前的一個週末小項目,當初只是想為我在澳門的父母提供一個方便且負擔得起的 ChatGPT。

然而,自從我在 Facebook 上分享以後,它迅速受到大家的喜愛。不久後,你們開始主動的宣傳,甚至製作了相關的影片內容。使我們的用戶數量從最初的每日 100 人,一躍成長到每日高達 6,000 人。到現在我還是覺得非常的難以置信!

我們深感榮幸能親眼見證這一切。正因當初我 創立 Explorator 的初心是希望透過科技來推動社會進步,並且創建一家能夠傳承的公司。所以我們深知因為Chat Everywhere和你們的支持,使我們距離這個願景又邁進了一大步,尤其當我們發現大部分的用戶是學生和老師時,我們知道自己走在對的道路上。這也是為什麼我們當初決定開源,讓我們在AI發展的路上出一分力。

從而,現在我們面臨的情況是Chat Everywhere的運行成本居高不下,加上我們沒有接受任何的外部投資,所以在財務上面臨着很大的壓力。

我們的目標是確保 Chat Everywhere 能夠持續的開發和維護,繼續提供絕大部分的用戶免費使用。但我們需要您的支持。如果您喜愛 Chat Everywhere 和認同我們的理念,請考慮購買我們的專業版,除了能享受更多功能外,您也在直接支持我們繼續前進!




Jack Wu - Explorator Labs 執行長